Memes of the Week - 3

We’ve spent another week diving through the dumpster that is the internets meme pages to find you some spooky laughs. Here’s the top 10:

You have to laugh at this situation. You’d think paranormal investigators would have a handle on their fear of the ghosts at this point.

spooky clothes pile

We’d be lying if we said this hasn’t happened to us. For me it’s often the dressing gown hanging on the back of the door.

Ghost get's up for water

Nothing worse than the dry horrors at 3 am. Even for those already dead!

Scumbag Ghost

If you have to slam the doors can you at least leave them closed? Someone could lose an eye!

Homer hiding under the covers from his google home

Have you ever experienced your digital assistant talking to ghosts?

ghosts hiding behind a man who is in bed

We all get that uneasy feeling when we have an exposed space behind us. Who knows what’s lurking there in the dark?

WHy would I pay for a haunted house when I can wake up to my kid standing by my bed at 5am.

Children are often more open to the paranormal. Sometimes they’re creepier than the paranormal.

Frozen hand shaped isicle appearing from the gutter

To follow up on our entire frozen ghost from the other week we now have a frozen ghost hand!

I thought I was the only one that did this!

when you feel someone rubbing your back but you live alone

At least they had the decency to warm their hands up before the rubbing. See you next week for more paranormal memes!


Memes of the Week - 4


Memes of the Week -2