The Crosswick Snake Monster
An artist’s depiction of the Crosswick Snake Monster.
An article in the Western Star from 1882 tells of a child being taken by a giant snake-like creature. The story was verified by the local doctor and a judge.
Description of the Crosswick Snake Monster
According to reports, the Crosswick Snake Monster was an enormous serpent, measuring anywhere from thirty to forty feet long with a diameter of sixteen inches. Its legs were unusually long, reaching four feet in length and covered in scales that matched its body.
The feet of the Crosswick Snake Monster were similar to those of a lizard, black and white in color and adorned with large yellow spots. Its head was equally impressive, measuring about sixteen inches in width and featuring a long, black forked tongue and a deep red interior in its mouth.
What made this creature even more fascinating was that it seemed to use its hind legs to stand upright, giving it a unique and imposing appearance. Its tail served as its primary source of propulsion, allowing it to move quickly both on land and in the water.
The Crosswick Snake Monster Abducts a Child
In Waynesville, Ohio, in the late 1800s, there were occasional reports of a strange and eerie snake monster. Sightings of this unusual creature persisted for several years. While more common snake species like black, garter, and rattlesnakes could still be found in the area, locals were talking about something far more ominous.
Then, a significant development occurred. A remarkable specimen of a snake, unlike anything anyone had seen before, was discovered. Its existence was well-documented, and even the most skeptical individuals in the neighborhood were forced to take notice.
A small village called Crosswicks, situated about one mile north of Waynesville, was home to several African American families, including John Lynch and his two sons, Ed and Joe, aged thirteen and eleven, respectively.
The boys were fishing at a small creek on the south side of the village when they suddenly heard a commotion behind them. As they turned to look, they were met with the sight of a huge monster approaching them rapidly, causing them to scream and start running.
The creature, which they had never seen before, came up to the older boy and suddenly threw out two long arms or forelegs, seizing the boy in its slimy embrace. The monster then produced two more legs, roughly four feet long, from some unknown hiding place in its body, dragging the boy about one hundred yards down the creek to a large sycamore tree.
The tree had a diameter of twenty-six feet at the base, was hollow, and had a large opening on one side. The monster tried to take the boy through the opening, but by that point, the boy was almost paralyzed with fear and unable to resist.
Three men, Rev. Jacob Horn, George Peterson and Allen Jordan, were quarrying stone close by to where the boys were fishing. Suddenly, the men heard screams and saw a monstrous creature attacking one of the boys.
They quickly rushed over to rescue the child, arriving just in time to see the snake attempting to drag the boy into the large sycamore tree. The men's arrival frightened the snake, causing it to release the boy and flee. The child was badly injured and was taken to Dr. L.C. Lukens, in Waynesville for treatment.
Dr. Lukens had reported the morning after the incident that the boy was badly bruised and scratched, extremely frightened, and was experiencing convulsions and spasms throughout the night. The child was able to fall asleep at three o'clock in the morning but would frequently wake up in terror. Despite the ordeal, the doctor believed that the child would recover in a few days.
In the afternoon, around sixty men gathered around the sycamore tree armed with clubs, axes, dogs, and other weapons. They had decided to cut down the tree and destroy the fearsome creature hiding within.
As they began cutting, the snake grew alarmed and jumped out of the opening, extending its fore and hind legs and standing up to a height of twelve to fourteen feet. With incredible speed, it crossed the creek and ran up a small hill, breaking a rail fence in the process.
The men and some of the dogs pursued it until it reached a large hill with a heavy ledge of rocks, where it disappeared into a hole. Some of the men and dogs were too scared to continue the chase, but the braver ones followed until the creature disappeared underground.
Theories about the Crosswick Snake Monster
Usually stories of this nature are quick to be written off as simply a hoax or a story written to entertain readers of the newspaper. What makes thsi story interesting is that many influential members of the community were mentioned by name.
Several well-known individuals in the Crosswick community were involved in this story, including highly respected and trusted figures. Dr. L.C. Lukens was a dependable and professional physician, and the Rev. Jacob Horn was a significant member of the Crosswick church during that era. George Peterson and Allen Jordan were also highly regarded members of the community.
While the identities of the 60 men who gathered around the sycamore tree may be unknown, it is unlikely that a newspaper would publish such a bold claim without reliable sources to back it up. The newspaper's reputation would be at stake if the story were proven false, so it is reasonable to assume that the witnesses and reporting were credible.
The involvement of these reputable individuals and the reporting from a trusted newspaper adds to the authenticity and intrigue of the Crosswick Monster story.
So what was the Crosswick Snake Monster? Perhaps it was some kind of rare, undiscovered that used to live in the wilds of Crosswick. You’ll have to venture there yourself to find out for sure!
Have you ever encountered anything like the Crosswick Snake Monster? Let us know in the comments!
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