Fleshgait: Predatory Mimic in the Woods

an artists impression of a Fleshgait

A fleshgait is a creature that imitates the voices and appearances of people in the woods, with the intention of luring them away. People who have seen fleshgaits describe them as tall, thin, grey beings with long claws and no hair.

Description of a Fleshgait

Imagine a mysterious creature lurking in the depths of the woods, capable of mimicking human voices and appearances. Meet the fleshgait—a cunning trickster that entices unsuspecting wanderers. Witnesses who have encountered these eerie beings describe them as towering, slender figures, draped in a shroud of grey, with razor-sharp claws and an absence of hair.

Picture this: as you venture into the wilderness, unaware of the lurking danger, the fleshgait slinks in the shadows, perfecting its masquerade. With a supernatural ability to mimic the voices of both people and animals, it skillfully mimics the ones you hold dear, beckoning you deeper into its treacherous domain.

It is widely believed that fleshgaits are dangerous towards humans and often lure them deeper into the woods in order to harm or eat them. Some people also think that fleshgaits are connected to the Missing 411 disappearances, but there is no evidence to support this claim.

The powers of fleshgaits are not fully understood because nobody has witnessed their full capabilities. Based on reports, here are the commonly agreed-upon traits:

  1. Voice Mimicking: Fleshgaits can imitate the voices of both humans and animals. They can only mimic voices and phrases they have heard before. Their calls can be captivating and difficult to resist, even when people know the voice is not from the person they are concerned about.

  2. Super Speed: Fleshgaits are known for their unnaturally fast movement, often disappearing quickly into the woods.

  3. Excessive Strength: Animals found torn apart in areas where fleshgaits are sighted suggest that these creatures possess tremendous strength.

While some reports suggest that fleshgaits can change their shape, not all reports mention this ability. Reports of shape-shifting fleshgaits occur frequently enough for many people to believe in their shape-shifting abilities.

Fleshgait Sightings

The Lore Lodge covers the the legend of the Fleshgait

Angeles National Forest, California - Alex Reynolds, Sarah Mitchell, and David Thompson, had a heart-stopping encounter with a fleshgait almost ten years ago. Despite the scary moment, these brave explorers managed to come out of it without any harm.

On a sunny afternoon, specifically on July 21st, 2013, the trio set off on an exciting adventure deep into the breathtaking Angeles National Forest. Towering trees and stunning views provided the backdrop for an experience they would never forget.

As they went further into the wilderness, a strange feeling of unease settled over them. It felt like the forest was holding its breath, and they sensed something they couldn't see. Curiosity pushed them forward, unaware of the terrifying encounter they were about to face.

In the heart of the forest, they heard a voice calling their names from all directions. Confused, they looked at each other, trying to figure out where the calls were coming from.

With fear gripping them, the hikers cautiously followed the enchanting yet unsettling voices. Suddenly, in a sunny spot, they saw the fleshgait appear. It was tall and slender, with eerie eyes that seemed to shine from another world. Its appearance matched what others had described—a tall and thin creature with pale skin that stood out against the green forest.

Surprisingly, the fleshgait showed no signs of wanting to harm them. Instead, it seemed curious and watched them with an enigmatic gaze. The hikers watched in both awe and fear, their hearts racing with a mix of emotions.

After a few intense moments, the creature vanished into the forest, disappearing quickly as if it were never there. The hikers were left bewildered but relieved that nothing bad had happened. They hurried back to civilization, eager to share their extraordinary story.

How to Know A Fleshgait is Near

Here are some signs that suggest that a Fleshgait may be nearby:

  1. You hear someone calling your name, but it's not the person you know. For example, a woman heard her "mother" calling for help in the woods, even though she knew her real mother was far away. Despite the strange voice, she felt a strong urge to follow it. Later, she heard chattering noises and realized something was wrong. She barely escaped.

  2. Your group feels like it has more people than before. People often sense an "extra person" around them before a fleshgait attack.

  3. You see claws wrapped around a tree or a very thin figure that doesn't look human. Many people witness them with their hands wrapped around trees or standing nearby. Some even describe them as resembling the character Gollum from Lord of the Rings.

  4. There are reports of animals being killed in unusual ways or strange disappearances happening nearby. This makes sense because fleshgaits are predators.

  5. The forest suddenly becomes quiet and eerily still. This often means there's a predator nearby and creates a feeling of panic in the woods.

  6. Your "friend" starts acting strangely and doesn't sound like themselves.

If you notice any of these signs, it's a good idea to trust your instincts and make a quick exit from the area.

How to Avoid a Fleshgait Attack

Fleshgaits are believed to be attracted to bright colors so it may be wise to wear more dull colors when adventuring in the woods.

Have you ever seen a Fleshgait? Tell us about it in the comments.

If you enjoyed learning about the Fleshgait you might be interested in similar creatures such as El Silbon or La Siguanaba.


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