How to Safely Use a Spirit Box

Have you wanted to try using a spirit box or other device to try contacting spirits but are scared it may lead to unintended consequences? Use this guide to help you safely navigate your journey into spirit communication without any negative experiences.
Step One: Choose your app or device
Most people will want to start their spirit box journey by downloading an app. We would recommend first trying a few different free apps to get a feel for how they work before sinking any money into it. We of course would recommend our android app Spirit Words (download it here) but there are a lot of other options to choose from on the market that are free with a few ads here and there. Just search spirit box in the app store.
If you’d prefer to try a physical device there are options out there on ebay for $100- $200. You could even try manually scrolling through the stations on a radio and seeing what happens.
Step Two: Preparing the Space
It may help to first cleanse the area of any bad energy by doing a cleansing ritual. This can be as simple as stating your intentions out loud; something like “This is a space for positive energy only. I wish you no harm only to communicate”. Try imagining a white light surrounding you filling up the entire room. This creates a peaceful environment and makes it clear to the spirits that you have good intentions.
You might like to cast a circle to protect yourself from bad spirits. This can be as simple as drawing a circle around yourself in the air and envisioning the space within filled with bright and positive energy.
Make sure you have your app or spirit box ready to go and are sitting comfortably. If there are a number of people present you might like to hold hands or sit in a circle to gather your energy together. Just do whatever is comfortable for you. The most important thing is your intention.
Step Three: Turn on the Spirit Box
Turn on the spirit box and allow it to cycle through for a few minutes to get calibrated. You might hear some familiar words or sentences that seem to mean something to you. Don’t be afraid just relax and listen. When you are ready try asking the spirits some questions and see if you get any responses that make sense. You might like to write down what is said or record a video so that you can remember it later.
If you are using the Spirit Words app just watch the screen for the words that are selected by the spirits. You might like to take a screenshot to help to remember what has been said.
Remember you are in control. You can end the session at any time and the spirits will respect this.
Step Four: Closing the Session
This is the most important step. If you do not properly close the session the spirits may take this as an invitation to attach themselves to you.
To close the session thank the spirits out loud for speaking with you and say you are now ending the session. Make sure you turn off the spirit box or close the app.
Have you had any interesting spirit box experiences? We would love to hear about them in the comments below!