Angelo Pitoni Stones: Stone Made from Oxygen Discovered in Africa
A picture of a piece of Angelo Pitoni's Sky Stone. Source: Mysterious Skystone
The Sky Stone, a striking bluish rock, is thought to be a piece of a meteorite that fell to Earth. This unique stone was found in Africa and is said to contain a high concentration of oxygen.
Angelo Pitoni Discovers the Sky stone
Angelo Pitoni posing with an ancient artifact
According to local legend, the Sky Stone were believed to be living beings that resided in the sky, until they were cast down to Earth by God for their misdeeds.
In 1990, Angelo Pitoni, an archaeologist and geologist, claimed to have discovered a strange, blue colored meteorite in Sierra Leone, West Africa. He called it Sky Stone after the local legend.
After its discovery, Pitoni sent the Skystone to laboratories in Rome, Germany, and Tokyo for analysis. The stone was found to consist of 77 percent oxygen, 20 percent carbon, and lime, with traces of silicone and other materials also present. Researchers determined that the stone was distinct from any other known earthly rock and likely originated from beyond our planet. Carbon dating suggested that the stone had arrived on Earth sometime between 2,500 and 17,000 years ago. In the years since its discovery, various collectors have acquired pieces of the Skystone, considering them to be prized and valuable objects.
Jared Collins Investigates the Sky Stone
Graphs showing an Italian analysis of the Sky Stone’s composition according to Angelo Pitoni
In 2013, Jared Collins, an American artist and designer, contacted a rare gems trader in Hong Kong. When asked to showcase something unique, the trader presented a Skystone fragment, claiming that it had been tested and deemed "unidentifiable," indicating that it was of extraterrestrial origin. Intrigued, Collins expressed interest in purchasing the stone immediately.
However, the dealer declined to sell it to him, which surprised Collins. Normally, dealers are in the business of selling stones, not holding onto them. The dealer's refusal to sell suggested that the Skystone was genuinely extraordinary and unique. Collins left Hong Kong feeling disappointed that he had missed out on the chance to acquire such a rare item.
Later, collins emailed the dealer, trying to see whether he had had a change of heart about selling either the entire Skystone or just a small piece of it. He was surprised to find that after 12 months, the dealer seemed to have fewer reservations and was open to the idea. They exchanged more emails and even talked on the phone, until Collins eventually made an offer that the gem dealer accepted, agreeing to sell the cutaway piece. Soon enough, that tiny chunk of Skystone was headed to Collins' studio in Bali.
Collins wasn’t satisfied with just having a piece of the stone so he asked the dealer how the sky stone came into his possession. The dealer claimed he had purchased it from a healer that used crystals name Vijay. Collins got in touch with Vijay and asked him to explain how he had acquired the stone. He responded with the following email:
Om, Jared,
The piece of sky stone which you now have in your possession was discovered by a geologist and adventurer named Angelo Pitoni when he was in Sierra Leone. There, the indigenous population have a legend saying that “diamonds are stars which fell from the sky.” Joking with them one day, Pitoni said: but if the stars fell, then so too must the sky have fallen!” Their reply was: “yes, and we know where it fell…”
A local shaman then brought him to a place where there were some pieces of this blue material on the ground. Digging into the ground, he found over 200 kg of it which was not in a natural formation, but rather set in a pyramid shape. I was later shown photocopies of a report from geologist stating that the material could not be identified.
My Shakty, Prema Devi, felt that it came from Sirius B. In 1994, I did a conference in Wien talking about, amongst other things, the work of Greg Braden. I was told that there was a famous sensitive attending the conference and I felt like testing him to see if he was genuine. I gave him a piece of Sky Stone and asked him what he could tell us about it. After less than a minute of holding it, he said that the energy was incredible and that it came from Sirius B. Prema started shouting: “I knew it! I knew it!”
The person who I got the sky stone from said that he does not know where Pitoni is anymore. Years ago I had contacted my source to try to get a few more pieces of Sky Stone, but he had already given away the last of it.
This is all the information I have.
Love and Light, Vijay
Jared Collins Sends the Sky Stone to University of Washington’s Earth and Spaces Sciences Department
Collins was not satisfied with anecdotal evidence alone. He decided to send a small piece of the Sky Stone to the University of Washington’s Earth and Spaces Sciences Department for further analysis. The conversation organizing the analysis and discussing what testing will achieve can be seen here.
What were the results of this investigation? It seems Mr. Collins has decided to leave us hanging. He has not published the results anywhere online.
Is Angelo Pitoni’s Sky Stone a Hoax?
It is possible that Angelo Pitoni’s sky stone is just a hoax. With only second hand resources to work with it is hard to verify the accuracy of the information found online. It’s also possible that there was a pile of bright blue stones with special significance to the locals found in Sierra Leone that are simply Lapis Lazuli or Sodalite. Pitoni may have come up with the idea that the stones were made of oxygen as a way to bring himself noteriety. Until samples of the stone can be verified and tested we won’t know the truth for sure.
What do you think about Angelo Pitoni’s Sky Stones? Let us know in the comments!
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