Man with Jetpack seen in Kazakhstan in 1936

Modern Jetpacks didn’t exist in 1936 when this sighting occurred.
In 1936 a teenage girl witnessed a man using a jetpack, flying in the sky above her. Was this event extraterrestrial, a time slip or evidence of secret military technology?
The 1936 Jetpack Incident in Kazakhstan
One winter morning in 1936, a 15-year-old girl named E.E. Loznaya was on her way to school in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. She was alone on her path when she saw something really strange in the sky, something that no one had ever seen before. She saw a weird object flying, and quickly realized it looked like a medium-sized man in black clothes and a matching helmet that hid his face. She said he seemed to be carrying an oval-shaped backpack and she could hear a deep, rumbling sound coming from him.
At first, she was interested in this strange sight. But then she became very scared when she saw the flying man change direction and start coming towards her. She wanted to hide but she was in the middle of a snowy field and there was nowhere to go. When she looked up again, thankfully, the flying man had disappeared.
Theories about the Kazakhstan Jetpack Sighting
Assuming the story wasn’t just made up by the girl, what was it that she saw?
Nowadays it’s not common to see someone using a jetpack but they do exist. Interestingly, jetpacks didn’t exist at all in 1936 when this incident occurred. Could it be that the young girl in Kazakhstan encountered a time traveller or perhaps fell into a time slip where she saw a glimpse of the future? Or perhaps she stumbled upon the testing of some secret milatary technology that is only now starting to become a bit more commonly used?
Perhaps the Jetpack Man was a extraterrestrial being exploring our planet. The creatures ability to appear and disappear quickly seems to be a common trait in extraterrestrial sightings.
Other Unexplained Jetpack Men
The unexplained Jetpack man spotted over LA in 2021
In more recent times a rogue jetpack user has been spotted several times in unexpected places.
The "Jetpack Man" or "Iron Man" is a mystery figure or object spotted flying in an unauthorized jetpack around Los Angeles several times in 2020-21. Many airplane pilots have claimed to see this jetpack person at high heights, around 5,000 feet. It's not clear if each sighting is of the same individual, or if it could be a drone made to look like a person using a jetpack.
Jetpacks or big drones are usually not flown this high or this far from the ground, and no one has seen this figure take off or land. The FBI and FAA have guessed that the jetpack man might actually be a balloon.
What are you theories about the Jetpack men? Let us know in the comments.
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