Ancient UFO Sightings

Most of us tend to think of UFO sightings as a fairly modern phenomenon. Surprisingly accounts of UFO sightings flow all the way back through history. Here are a few of the more notable ones:
The Aurora, Texas UFO incident
Fifty years before the now infamous incident at Roswell, New Mexico a UFO was spotted in the small city of Aurora Texas. A local judge named J. S. Proctor spotted a glowing disc-shaped object hovering above his farm early one morning. He reported that the object clipped an arm of a windmill on his property and crash-landed.
The Dallas Morning News reported on the story adding some dubious embellishments such as the craft containing strange hieroglyphs and a Martian pilot. In spite of the dubious details it does seem credible that something did indeed crash land on the judge’s property. Was it extra terrestrial or something more mundane?
Roman UFO Accounts
Perhaps the first written account of UFO phenomena was from the historian Livy who wrote in detail about phantom, glowing ships seen gleaming and sparkling in the sky. Soon after Livy’s reports came writings from Pliny the Elder speaking of a spark falling from the sky and increasing in size as it fell then returning to the sky from whence it came.
Several years after Pliny’s accounts came more rumblings and rumours about strange crafts in the skies over the Roman Empire. Plutarch of Chaeronea wrote of an unexplained aerial phenomenon that appeared during a bloody battle between two armies in Asia. He described a massive blazing object in the sky between the armies that was silver and shaped like a wine vessel.
Several other Roman authors have discussed similar event at length leading us to believe that UFOs are not just a modern phenomenon.
Spaceships over Nuremberg
In 1561 in Nuremberg eyewitnesses report seeing an extraordinary display in the sky. This even not only involved multiple crafts but was witnessed by hundreds of people making it one of the largest mass UFO sightings in history.
Early in the morning on the 14th of April witnesses described seeing what appeared to be a battle between hundreds of glowing shapes in the sky until a massive bang brought an end to the spectacle. It was said to have lasted for over an hour and left behind masses of black smoke.
In his writings ancient scholar Titus Flavius Josephus described a "miraculous phenomenon, defying belief" in the first century AD. He recounted a story of flaming chariots shooting across the sky seen by many eyewitnesses. He himself acknowledged how unlikely his story was even stating he wouldn’t have believed it himself if it wasn’t for multiple eyewitness accounts. This account stands out from other writings of religious experiences of the time due to the almost apologetic tone of the author. It does not seem to be connected to a religious context but simply a retelling of events that occurred.
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Since the 1980s Scientists have been studying a strange aerial phenomenon in Norway but they yet to find a definitive explanation.
In an almost infinite universe, it's unlikely that we're the only intelligent life. But where is everyone else? Could it be that aliens have been coexisting with us on Earth, invisibly, since the beginning of our time?
Hundreds of people over the years have reported encountering strange Men in Black after UFO sightings or witnessing other strange phenomena. Could these men really be government agents involved in covering up alien activity or even something more sinister?
On the 26th November 1977, a strange Alien voice, calling itself Vrillon, interrupted a UK TV broadcast. It spoke of lights in the sky and urged humanity to embrace a more peaceful existence before it is too late.
Air Force Captain Gary Sudbrink planned a surprise trip to visit friends and family in New York. At the airport, he encountered two strange people with clipboards asking personal questions. More odd events followed culminating in Gary receiving four creepy calls with a robotic voice, telling him to ‘keep an eye on the skies’.
Garry Nolan’s studies have shown that many witnesses of UAP events have scarring in their brain that somewhat resembles 'white spots’ caused by multiple sclerosis. Is this brain damage caused by the UAPs themselves or is it a preexisting condition that makes victims more susceptible to experiencing the phenomena?
In September 1977 a young Cornish couple saw a strange glowing blob floating around the outside of their cottage. In the days afterwards the couple both became violently ill with an unexplained illness resembling radiation poisoning.
Many believe that over 50 years ago, aliens came to Studham, a peaceful village near Dunstable, Bedfordshire, UK. This belief was sparked by a strange story told by six young boys in January 1967, who said they saw something very unusual.
Before dawn on April 10, 2012, a motorist and a state trooper ten miles apart reported witnessing a colossal, neon-green object plunging from the sky into Bantam Lake, Connecticut.
The Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter was a close encounter with extraterrestrial beings in 1955 near the communities of Kelly and Hopkinsville in Kentucky. UFOlogists regard it as one of the most significant and well-documented cases in the history of UFO incidents.
The Veggieman was a strange creature witnessed by a hunter in the woods around Fairmount, West Virginia in 1968. The hunter believed the creature was extraterrestrial in origin.
The Dogon Tribe, of Mali in West Africa, are relatively unknown but remarkable. Despite having a population of less than one million, they have demonstrated an advanced understanding of astronomy that has led some to speculate about possible extraterrestrial contact in their past.
In 1964, Donald Shrum went hunting with friends in California and got lost in rugged terrain. As darkness fell, he climbed a tree to protect himself from predators and saw what he thought was a search helicopter. It turned out to be something more sinister.
On September 20th, 1977 a series of bright, flying objects resembling jellyfish were reported in the skies over Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.
Seventeen year old Kristina Florence was on a road trip with her family when their car broke down. She remembers her sister calling her to “come quick” then suddenly her and her sister were lying on a blanket in a park. The next thing she knew they were driving away at high speed. Kristina believes during this missing time she was abducted by aliens.
Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, is home to numerous mysterious pyramids located alongside the Wei River. Some people believe the pyramids have alien connections.
The Tuatha Dé Danann or the Shining ones of Ireland were an ancient race of people believed to be the descendants of fairies. Some believe they were extraterrestrial in origin.
The Copper Man was a strange creature sighted over 200 years ago near Portsmouth, UK. It was described as being 4ft tall with glistening copper skin and no facial features.
There have been reports of several unidentified objects being shot down by US, Canadian and Chinese Military at the beginning of February 2023. What is going on?
In 1973, Jeff Greenhaw, Falkville Chief of Police, received a call about a UFO in a field outside of town. He went to the scene and saw a figure standing there that was slightly taller than 6 feet and was wearing a reflective material that looked like "rubbing mercury on nickel".
On November 17, 1986, a Japan Airlines flight was stalked for 30 minutes by several UFOs. These UFOs were also seen by the Anchorage Federal Aviation Administration who advised the pilot to take evasive action.