Kristina Florence Alien Abduction
Kristina Florence during her appearance on Unsolved Mysteries in 1988. Photo: Unsolved Mysteries Fandom
Seventeen year old Kristina Florence was on a road trip with her family when their car broke down. She remembers her sister calling her to “come quick” then suddenly her and her sister were lying on a blanket in a park. The next thing she knew they were driving away at high speed. Kristina believes during this missing time she was abducted by aliens.
The Abduction of Kristina Florence
A picture drawn by Kristina Florence of the aliens who abducted her.
Kristina Florence, a choreographer based in New York, has shared her account of experiencing "missing time" and being abducted by aliens.
Her story dates back to 1974, when she was just seventeen years old and was on a road trip to San Francisco with her mother and sister.
While driving through the Mojave Desert, their car overheated near a park in Barstow, prompting Kristina's mother to go get water for the radiator.
Meanwhile, Kristina's sister stepped out of the car and called for them urgently.
The next thing Kristina remembered was waking up on a blanket in the park with her sister beside her.
After that, her memory resumed with them back in the car, driving away at a high speed.
Several years later, Kristina's sister contacted her to discuss what had happened, and they eventually got in touch with Budd Hopkins.
Kristina told her story to Unsolved Mysteries and the story aired on November 30, 1988.
“Somewhere along the line we got to this park. My sister got out of the car and I heard her run around the back and all of a sudden she said, oh my God, come out here quick. And the next thing I remembered consciously was that we were lying on this blanket in the middle of the park as if we’d had a little nap, just lying there.
Our mom was still not around. And we woke up and we were like, whoa, what happened. And then the next thing I remember, the three of us are just driving like hell.
We never talked about it until my sister just called me up one day and we sort of began to talk about it further and realized that we’d both had this very bizarre memory of this missing time thing. And she knew about Budd and she suggested I get in touch with Budd.”
Who is Budd Hopkins?
Budd Hopkins, once an artist, had a life-changing experience in 1964 when he and some friends had a strange encounter with a UFO. From that point, he devoted himself to researching UFOs and delving into the phenomenon of Missing Time.
As he gathered more information, people who had also witnessed these phenomena reached out to him, sharing their experiences through phone calls and letters. Hopkins authored two books on the topic and based on the evidence he collected, he believes that these experiences are genuine.
He hopes that one day they will cease, given the harm they have caused some individuals, including gynecological issues such as false pregnancies, miscarriages, and attempts to terminate non-existent pregnancies.
Hopkins believes these occurrences are linked to genetic experimentation that extraterrestrial beings are conducting on abductees, taking samples of their sperm and ova. Hopkins advocates for a scientific investigation of the phenomena and has researched numerous cases of Missing Time.
Budd Hopkins reviews the Kristina Florence Abduction Case
According to Budd Hopkins, Kristina's "missing time" experience was the result of an alien abduction. To learn more about what happened, Kristina underwent hypnosis.
During the hypnosis session, she recounted that after getting out of the car, she and her sister saw something and then got back into the car, which would not start. The next thing she remembered was waking up on a table surrounded by strange beings.
In the room, she saw dials and a paper screen that was taking pictures of her. The beings put odd rubber pants on her before leaving. Kristina then asked about her sister, and they reassured her that she was fine.
The last thing she recalled through hypnosis was being back on the ground with her sister.
Kristina recounted her experience to Unsolved Mysteries saying:
“Under hypnosis, I started having this picture that my sister’s getting out of the car and then I get out of the car and I looked up and there was something above the car. And I was so scared, I didn’t know what it was… And I was trying to start the car and it wouldn’t start.
Then the next memory that I had under the hypnosis was that I was on a table and there were some people around. There was this screen, it was about as wide as a large television screen but it was paper thin and it was just moving around the table and it wasn’t attached to anything. And I could see three-dimensional shapes of my skull and my whole body.
It was just taking pictures. And it was just this huge spherical room that was just covered with dials, there wasn’t space. It was just dials. And I felt like they put like these rubber pants on me or something with things attached. And then they left the room. And I lay there and I was asking for my sister and somebody was telling me she’s okay, she’s alright… that’s the last thing I remember. Then we were back on the grass.”
Susan Fox, a psychologist, told the show that she is convinced that Kristina's account is genuine and that her story is entirely truthful.
Theories about Kristina Florence’s Abduction Experience
Some believers claim that abductions such as these are undertaken by extraterrestrials so that they can study humanity, in particular how humans reproductive organs work.
If it’s not aliens what else could be happening here? While some psychologists believe in hypnosis as a means of recovering memory it is not a universally held belief. Many believe “memories” recovered during hypnosis are just the patients imagination.
It is however common for memories of traumatic events to be repressed. Perhaps something traumatic did happen to Kristina and her sister in that fateful day while they were waiting for the car to be repaired and they have both blocked the incident from their memories.
I would be interested to hear what their mother remembers about the incident.
Do you think Kristina Florence and her sister were abducted by aliens? Let us know in the comments.
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