“Alien Doorway” Discovered on Mars

Recently one of the images sent back from NASA’s curiosity rover has caused a stir among alien enthusiasts.
The picture shows what appears to be a doorway resembling the entrance to an ancient tomb but into the surrounding cliff face. The photograph was captured at the Greenheugh Pediment, a geological feature on Mars by the Mast Camera of the Curiosity rover on the 7th May 2022.
The photograph has captured the imagination of the internet with some claiming it could be the entrance to an entire alien civilization deep beneath the surface of Mars.
Skeptics however claim it is much more likely to be a share fracture: the remnants of piece of rock that has fractured and separated from the rest of the formation.
They also argue that the doorway may only be a few centimeters high in real life which would make it tricky for aliens to squeeze in there. It’s difficult to get a sense of scale from the picture making judgements on this matter inconclusive.

Alien face on mars.
This isn’t the first photograph returned from Mars to cause speculation of a hidden alien civilisation. In 1976 NASA’s Viking 1 spaceship was circling the planet looking for landing locations for its sister ship Viking 2.
One of the pictures it captured caused a stir among alien enthusiasts and skeptics alike. A two mile long rock formation in Mars’s Cydonia region appeared to have been carved into a giant alien face.
Some conspiracy theorists believe this photo is undeniable proof of life on Mars while NASA claims it is simply a trick of the eye from the way the light is hitting a rock formation.
In April 1998 NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time and captured new photos of the rock formation. It showed it to be just a normal looking mesa. Believers claim this is because there was a lot of atmospheric interference on the day the photo was taken and the alien markings were obscured.
To date no reliable evidence has been collected to suggest life on Mars. Evidence suggests that during the ancient Noachian period the surface of Mars had some liquid water and therefore may have been a habitable environment for microorganisms.
As of now no evidence of microorganisms has been detected on Mars but research is ongoing. One day scientists may find irrefutable evidence of life on Mars which could have huge implications for us as humans and how we understand our place in the universe.
Perhaps even the answers to our questions concerning the origin of life on our planet can one day be answered on Mars.