Broadcasts from Beyond
Marcello Bacci and his radio that communicates with spirits of the dead.

Since the invention of the radio people have speculated that spirits may be able to use the medium to communicate with the living. The story of Marcello Bacci is an absolutely fascinating example of this possibility.
Influenced by EVP pioneers such as Ernetti, Gemelli and Juergenson, Marcello along with his peers at the Scole group experimented with tube radios until they were able to reliably receive voices and other audio from unknown sources. Could it be possible that the voices were coming from another dimension or even from the spirit realm?
Once he had finetuned the technology Marcello began to hold sessions with dozens of people who had lost loved ones. These people claimed that Marcello was somehow able to connect with their loved ones through the radio and that the voices that came through were recognisably the voices of those who had passed on. His sessions became almost like a religious service providing comfort and hope to those who attended.
It was claimed that during these sessions apports would appear. These are relics associated with the dead that would miraculously appear out of thin ear: things such as shells, feathers or gold dust. People at the sessions claimed that the objects that appeared were something intimately related to their deceased loved ones. Some of these events were captured on camera by a film crew. It is possible that Marcello was able to hoax this phenomena with help from a crew but that would require many people keeping this secret.
Many skeptics have tried to debunk Marcello’s radio but struggled to come up with a convincing conclusion for how he was operating the radio. The radio appeared to be a normal radio when anyone other than Marcello was operating it. Skeptics tried removing parts of the radio crucial for its function which prevented it from working for anyone else but Marcello was somehow still able to operate it. Even with no power going to the device vices still emerged from it when Marcello was present. This lead researchers to believe it was not the physical radio connecting with the spirits but the spirits were being channeled through Marcello.
Marcello’s methods are similar to that of Konstantin Raudive who used a radio to record EVPs. He would ask the spirits a question then record silence and later look back on the tape to see if any voices could be heard. Often voices could be picked up through the static. Some skeptics say that EVP’s are simply auditory ink blot tests and people hear what they want to hear. Others think that stray radio signals being picked up by the recording devices amongst the static and white noise. It is hard to dispute Bacci’s recordings for these reasons as stray radio signals cannot have conversations that seem to go back and forth. The voices are also so clear that it cannot be disputed that they are indeed voices whether from beyond the grave or hoaxed somehow.
For a more in depth look here is a fascinating documentary about Marcello Bacci: