Pennies From Heaven

Coins are becoming less and less of a part of our daily lives with the advent of cashless payments. In spite of this many people throughout the world report finding coins in strange places. Some even believe they are messages from people who have passed on.
Many people online report finding coins not long after loved ones have passed away. This goes beyond finding coins around the house but finding them everywhere they go: on the street, on the ground at the supermarket, even in their beds.
Some of the spiritual interpretations of mysteriously appearing coins are:
– A spirit guide or spirit of a loved one is trying to get your attention
– A sign from the universe that you are on the right path
– Ancestors or spirits of loved ones are letting you know that they are watching over you
– The circular nature of coins might indicate that something in your life is coming full circle
- It is said to be good luck if you pick them up
How could it be possible for the spirit of a deceased loved one to put a coin in out path. There are a number of theories. One is that spirits are able to move small objects but it takes a huge amount of energy on their part which is why it doesn’t happen often. This theory also explain why spirit activity is commonly reported during thunderstorms. Maybe the spirits are able to use some of the extra energy in the atmosphere during storms for their purposes. Another theory is that the coins are produced out of thin air as an apport.
Why coins? Apart from the symbolism coins are light and easy to move. A spirit may be able to create a small gust of wind to blow one into your path. They are also common. Coins are everywhere and it may not be too difficult to make one fall out of someone’s pocket and into your path. They are also shiny which makes the easier to notice when the light shines on them in a certain way.
Coins appearing seemingly from nowhere is just one of the ways spirits are theorised to be attempting to communicate with us. They are said to visit us in our dreams, make songs that remind us of them play near us, mess with electrical items in our homes or even cause us to feel sensations such as a hand on our shoulder or a kiss on the cheek.
It is impossible to know for sure who or what puts coins in our path or even whether seeing them is just a coincidence. It is however a lovely thought that our loved ones who have passed on are able to give us little signs to remind us of them.