Death Bed Phenomena

For centuries people who are dying have reported strange visions and visitations from loved ones who have passed on. Is this phenomenon just hallucinations of a dying brain or something more spectacular?
Death bed phenomena have been reported for ancient times but have only been studied in depth in the last century. Physicians and researchers such as Raymond Moody, William Barrett, Karlis Osis and Erlendur Haraldsson have received reports of visions of long since passed friends and relatives, the sound of music and other deathbed phenomena.
Many patients are seen talking to people who aren’t there often people who are no longer living. The patients themselves often know what they are seeing doesn’t seem logical but they are certain that they are not hallucinations.
Hospice workers often report deathbed phenomena surrounding their patients. It is not uncommon for the dying person to stretch their arms out in front of them as if trying to reach some beautiful vision just beyond their reach.
They will often call out the names of deceased family members or matter of factly mention that they had been to visit them earlier in the day.
They can sometimes even be seen to have full on conversations with people who have passed away just as if there was a real person standing next to them. It is reported that most of the deathbed visions are of a comforting nature and seem to help guide the dying person to the other side.
When a person is close to death it is said that their language often changes and they begin to speak in metaphors about travelling or getting ready to go.
One hospice worker reported a man who nearing the end of his life continued to mention that he needed to put his shoes on because the train was coming soon and he didn’t want to miss it.
Initially the hospice worker dismissed this and told the man to go back to bed. Eventually the worker gave in to the man and helped him to put on some shoes. He seemed much more calm and content after doing this and passed just a few days later.
Upon the moment of death some hospice workers report seeing strange things themselves. A few have reported seeing a fine silver mist departing from the patient’s chest moments before or after they take their final breath.
One reported seeing a bedridden walk quickly past a doorway. When the worker went to the patient’s room to see what was going on they found the patient had passed away.
The most important thing we can do for people experiencing deathbed phenomena is to listen to them and take them seriously. Whatever it is that is happening to them will be much easier to get through if we are kind and comforting instead of dismissive. One day each of us will be in their position. Until then it’s impossible to know for sure if these visions are real or just hallucinations.