Mandela Effect

Paranormal researcher Fiona Broome discovered the Mandela Effect when she realised she recalled detailed memories of news coverage of Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s despite realising he was still alive at the time. Since 2010 thousands of other people had written online about also remembering Mandela's death a long time ago and she speculated that this could be evidence of parallel realities. Many people report having clear memories of events that didn’t happen. One theory is that certain events trigger us to travel from one version of reality to another where everything is pretty much the same apart from slight differences to our original reality.
Commonly reported examples of the Mandela Effect include:
the Berenstain Bears children's books previously being spelled Berenstein
the logo of the Fruit of the Loom clothing brand including a cornucopia
the existence of a movie from the 1990’s starring Sinbad as a genie called Shazaam
Many remember Curious George from the books written by H.A. Rey as having a tail when he in fact never had one
The monopoly man having a monocle when he has never had one
The Lindberg baby having never been found. He was found dead a few months after his disappearance.
The Flinstones cartoon name being spelt “Flinstones”
The Looney Tunes cartoons being spelt “Looney Toons”
Mother Teresa being canonised as a saint in the 1990’s. She wasn’t canonized until 2016
In Star Wars people remember Darth Vader saying “Luke I am your father” when he is fact says “No, I am your father”
In Disney’s Snow White the witch saying “Mirror mirror on the wall” when she in fact says “Magic mirror on the wall”
The colour chartreuse being a reddish pink color when it is in fact greenish yellow
The United States having 52 states instead of just 50
The song “We Are the Champions” ending with “of the world” these words are not at the end of the song
The evil gremlin from the Gremlins movie being called “Spike”. His name is Stripe
The cleaning product being spelt “Febreeze” when it is in reality spelt Febreze
C-3PO from Star wars being completely gold. In reality he has a silver piece on one of his legs
The KitKat chocolate bars having a hyphen (Kit-Kat)
Leonardo DiCaprio winning an Oscar before his first one in 2016
Cruella DeVil from Disney’s 101 Dalmations being spelt “Deville”
Scientists suggest that the Mandela Effect is an example of many people sharing a false memory of what occurred. If the human brain cannot recall all the details of an event it often fills in the details with what would make sense in that context without the person being aware that they are doing it. It is also possible misleading photos and false news articles caused inaccurate memories to be formed.
Do you remember anything differently to the people around you? Is it possible that you have come from another dimension much the same as this one with only slight differences?