Akashic Record

Many of us have had experiences of coming upon knowledge in a way that can’t be explained. Some have premonitions while sleeping that later come true. Others get a sense of incoming danger hours or days before an event occurs. One theory for how this knowledge is imparted upon us is via the Akashic Record.
The idea of the Akashic record is influenced by the concept of akasha in eastern religions. In Vedantic Hinduism, akasha means the essence of all things in the physical world. In Jainism and Buddhism akasha is what we consider the cosmos in the physical sense. It is where we come from and where we are going. It sometimes has a spiritual connotation as the great beyond that we will unconsciously return to when we die. We will lose our sense of self and become one with the universe.
The idea of the Akashic record was developed by Theosophy and can be defined as a collection of all of the memories of all events, thoughts, feelings and actions that have occurred in our universe since the beginning of time. Everything that has every happened is believed to have been imprinted onto the Akasha an astral substance that is beyond the range of normal human senses. Some people with special abilities such as psychics and clairvoyants are able to tap into this wealth of knowledge and learn about people an event they wouldn’t be able to know by any normal means. It is described as an ocean of unconsciousness to which we are all linked.
Some theorise that all of us are constantly connected to the Akashic Record and are able to tap in to it during times of immense stress or powerful emotion. It could be that the essence of our beings or our souls is created from the akasha and when we die we will return to it. Perhaps we are all a small part of one incomprehensible being coming to earth to play out billions of different lives and then returning to the akasha with new knowledge gained.
The famed occultist Edgar Cayce was known for his ability to heal people while in a trance or while sleeping. He claimed he was able to do this by accessing the Akashic record. It was believed he was able to extract the information about the patient’s illness from the Akashic record as well the what was needed to cure it. Many hundreds of people claimed to be healed by Edgar Cayce. There is a theory that we are all closer to the Akashic record when we are in the state between sleeping and waking or when we are dreaming. Some people believe that they are able to influence the real world through their dreams while lucid dreaming. Science is unable to confirm nor fully dispute evidence of the Akashic record so for now we remain open minded to the possibility.