Menehune: Hawaii’s Hidden Dwarf People

An artist's depiction of the Menehune

An artist's depiction of the Menehune. Photo:

The Menehune are a race of tiny people from Hawaiian mythology said to live in the forests and hidden valleys of the islands.

Who are the Menehune?

Menehune are a race of little people who allegedly live in untouched parts of Hawaii, far away from civilisation.

Menehune are said to be about 3 feet tall with dark brown skin. They speak in gruff, low pitched voices and can be understood by native Hawaiians.

Menehune are described as incredibly skilled crafters who are capable of building complex houses, temples, roadways and ponds.

This 25km long aqueduct is said to have been masterfully built by the Menehune. Photo: Stephen Conn.

It is said that the Menehune’s favorite food is bananas and fish. They are believed to be nocturnal. Some say the Menehune can only be seen by children or by people who are related to them by blood.

According to some legends, if the Menehune do not complete their building projects before dawn the entire thing will vanish.

Menehune are mostly harmless but have been known to play tricks on people or even shoot them with arrows that make them fall in love.

Many people in Hawaii claim to have seen Menehune. Here is a video detailing some of these experiences:

A video describing Menehune encounters

Theories about Menehune

There are several other examples legendary dwarf-like creatures around the world. The Maori of New Zealand have Patupaiarehe, the Philippines have Anito, the Irish have the leprechaun and there are many more.

Perhaps the frequency of these stories mean there is some substance behind them. Maybe there really are several races of small people that have hidden themselves from modern civilisation. Perhaps these people are paranormal in nature, even interdimensional.

It is possible that the Menehune are a cultural memory of the Hawaiian people interacting with another tribe. This other tribe may have left or intermingled with the Hawaiian people and are now just a vague memory that has become the Menehune legend.

Have you ever encountered the Menehune? Let us know in the comments.

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