Itchy Body Superstitions and Folklore

Do you ever get an intense, inexplicable itch in a random place on your body? According to some folklore unexplained itching on various body parts can have different spiritual and psychic meanings. PSA if you have unexplained itching that goes on for a while you should definitely contact a medical professional!
What does an itchy foot mean spiritually?
An itchy foot can indicate that you are frustrated with you current situation in life. It may mean that you need to make some changes to help you feel more fulfilled and happy.
In some traditions an itchy left foot means you will go on a journey but it may bring misfortune. On the contrary if you have an itchy right foot it means you will be going on a journey but it will be profitable for you.
What does an itchy hand mean spiritually?
Itchy hands usually are associated with money. If you have an itchy left hand it is said you will lose money and if you have an itchy right hand you are about to receive some money.
Some claim that if you scratch your itch on wood it will bring you good fortune.
What does an itchy Knee mean spiritually?
The meaning of an itchy knee is similar to an itchy foot. If your left knee is itchy it means you will be going on a journey and it will be bad. An itchy right knee means your are going on a journey and it will be good.
What does an itchy Thigh mean spiritually?
Itchy thighs mean that you will soon be living in a new home.
What does an itchy Shin mean spiritually?
Itchy shins are a warning that an unpleasant surprise in incoming.
What does an itchy Ankle mean spiritually?
Itchy ankles mean you will soon have great success financially. Sometimes it can also indicate an upcoming marriage or that you will soon find your soul mate.
What does an itchy Groin mean spiritually?
An itchy groin is an indication that you will soon be making amends after an argument. It may be that you have already had the argument and you will be reconciling with someone. It could also be that you are yet to have the argument but you can rest assured that it will not end in a permanent relationship breakdown.
What does an itchy Back mean spiritually?
An itchy back is a bad omen that means some disappointment is coming your way.
What does an itchy Stomach mean spiritually?
An itchy stomach means that someone will soon bring you an unexpected meal or offer you some food.
What does an itchy head mean spiritually?
An itchy scalp or forehead means that you will soon have an advance in position. This may be at work, in love or financially.
What does an itchy Eye or Eyebrow mean spiritually?
An itchy eye or eyebrow has a different meaning depending on what side of your face it is on. An itchy right eye or eyebrow means you will soon be reunited with an old friend. An itchy left eye or eyebrow means you will soon suffer an unexpected loss of disappointment.
What does an itchy Nose mean spiritually?
If the inside of your nose is itchy it means that trouble and sorrow is around the corner. If the outside of your nose is itchy it means that you will be annoyed, cursed or meet with a foolish person soon. It can also mean that you will soon be kissed.
What does an itchy Lip mean spiritually?
If your lips are itchy it means that someone is saying something disrespectful about you.
What does an itchy Cheek mean spiritually?
An itchy left cheek means someone is speaking poorly of you and an itchy right cheek means someone is speaking well of you.
What does an itchy Ear mean spiritually?
Itchy or especially burning or hot ears mean someone is talking about you. An itchy right ear means they are saying positive things while an itchy left ear means they are saying nasty or unfavorable things.
What does an itchy Neck mean spiritually?
An itchy neck means someone in your family will soon come down with an illness.
What does an itchy Shoulder mean spiritually?
An itchy left shoulder means you will soon uncover sorrow in your life. An itchy right shoulder means you will soon discover and create your legacy.
What does an itchy Elbow mean spiritually?
An itchy left elbow mean you will soon have negative meetings with people and receive bad news. An itchy right elbow means you will soon receive good and exciting news.
So that is all of the superstitions and omens associated with itchy body parts. If you know of any others leave them for us in the comments!
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