Misty Loman: The Story Behind her Viral Mugshot
The shocking before and after shots of Misty Loman. Photo: Okaybliss.
Misty Loman’s mugshot went viral in 2019 when a sherif posted it online as a warning against using meth.
Who is Misty Loman
Two of Misty Loman's infamous mugshots. Photo: godupdates.com
Misty Loman, a native of Kentucky, was taken into custody in July 2019 for methamphetamine use. As per her account, she had been incarcerated multiple times, a total of fifteen, over the course of her life.
It wasn’t just methamphetamine use alone that caused Misty’s appearance to deteriorate. Misty suffered for several illnesses such as lupus panniculitis, bone cancer, and scleroderma.
Panniculitis can cause the symptoms Misty Lowman experienced on her face as seen here on another woman. Photo: Research Gate
Apart from affecting the skin on her face, arms, and scalp, lupus and scleroderma also attacked the adipose tissues in her body. Undergoing chemotherapy to combat cancer caused her to lose hair and weight, exacerbating her already fragile appearance.
Misty admits that the drug use contributed to her unusual appearance but wanted to make it clear to the people who had seen her photo that it wasn’t the only cause.
Misty Loman’s Mugshot
The most famous mugshot of Misty Loman.
Sheriff Adam Bieber of Wisconsin posted Misty's mugshots online with the intention of using her unconventional appearance as a warning to drug users. The photos caused a stir and went viral, making Misty an overnight sensation. Despite this, the mugshots only showed one aspect of Misty's story and did not reveal the actual reason for her appearance.
Misty Loman’s Recovery and Sobriety
Misty had hit rock bottom a few years prior to the photosafter losing her house, car, and family. To add to her despair, she had lost three of her sons during infancy, one of whom was stillborn while she was in jail.
Her struggle with extreme stress and depression was further exacerbated by a diagnosis of lupus and scleroderma. During this time, she lost her twin sons; one was stillborn, and the other survived for only 28 days.
In an interview with WBKO in October 2020, Misty revealed that her children's deaths were not drug-related but were due to her illnesses. The tragedies had traumatized her, and she turned to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain and escape the darkness she was in.
She was broken in mind, body, and spirit and believed she could not turn her life around despite the possibility of recovery. At that point, Misty was homeless, losing her hair, and felt like she had hit rock bottom.
As Misty's situation deteriorated, her extended family and older sons, Corey and Jacob (now 25 and 18 years old, respectively), had to plead with her to seek help. Eventually, she received court-ordered, long-term treatment at the Sisters in Sobriety facility in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where she found solace in her faith. By the time she completed treatment in early 2021, Misty had successfully recovered.
Misty attributes her recovery to God, stating that prayers truly work and that she is living proof of it. She remains optimistic about life, believing that everything happens for a reason and that God's plan is never wrong. Despite the hardships she faced, Misty feels that they served a larger purpose in her life.
Congratulations on your recovery Misty! We wish you all the best.
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