Scary Clown Pictures: Scary Clown Faces to Haunt Your Dreams

Are you scared of clowns? You will be by the end of this article! We have amassed a terrifying selection of scary clown pictures, drawings and photos to delight and horrify. If you need inspiration for you scary clown Halloween costume or scary clown makeup you’ve come to the right place!

This scary clown makeup looks fairy easy to replicate for Halloween. I wouldn’t want to come across that face in a dark alley!

This scary clown looks like he’s just killed and eaten your pet goldfish.

This line up of creepy clowns look like they’ve been captured and these are their mug shots. What did they do!? Do we even want to know?

If you don’t drink the cola this clown will appear behind you in your bathroom mirror.

This scary clown picture is so powerful it broke the glass in the photo frame.

This clown’s makeup says “fun” but his eyes say “murder”.

This one is particularly sinister. Look out red nail lady!

He can smell your fear.

This ones giving me creepy alcoholic uncle at the Halloween party vibes.

It’s all in the eyes with this one. Like an evil fairy.