Sky Trumpets: Mysterious Noises from the Sky

A man records himself reacting to mysterious sky trumpet sounds. Photo: The San Diego Union-Tribune
Thousands of people around the world have reported hearing sounds coming from the sky that sound like an incredibly loud trumpet. What could be causing these experiences?
What are Sky Trumpets?
Sky trumpets are loud noises that seem to be coming from the sky. They are often described as sounding like a long note being played on a trumpet.
Notable Sky Trumpet Incidents
Here are a few videos of sky trumpet incidents from the last few years.
A sky trumpet incident from Christchurch, New Zealand in 2012
Sky trumpets heard in Sterling, Colorado on October 17th 2014 at midnight.
Sky Trumpets heard at Batangas, Philippines on 4th June 2015.
There are hundreds of other videos like these on the internet. Here is a good collection of them.
While some have been proven to be hoaxes there are still many that cannot be explained.
Sky trumpets were heard more frequently during the lockdowns of 2020.
Sky Trumpet Theories
There is are a number of theories that have been floated to explain what could be causing sky trumpets.
Those more scientifically minded tend to argue that the strange noises are possibly caused by tectonic movement or other things moving around deep underground or in the ocean. If the objects are big enough they could cause sounds that would travel a huge distance and seem like they are coming from the sky.
Another popular theory is that the trumpet sounds being those spoken about in the Bible that signal the second coming of Christ and the end of the world as we know it.
Some have also suggested that the sounds could be related to extra-terrestrial activity, perhaps a warning that they are coming.
Those of a more conspiratorial mindset believe the sounds could be related to a government weather modification program.
What do you think is causing the sky trumpets? Let us know in the comments.
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