Solar Plexus Clown Gliders
An alleged photo of a Solar Plexus Clown Glider. Photo: Obscurban Legends Wiki.
Solar Plexus Clown Gliders are a negative entity that is said to be able to attack people who have a weak solar plexus. They have no physical form but are able to manifest via mental images in their victims.
What are the Solar Plexus Clown Gliders?
Drawing by jrdrawing.
Solar Plexus Clown Gliders are a psychic entity discovered by New Age practitioners in the 1980’s. They are described as a spiritual entity with no real physical form but they are able to manifest themselves by showing their victims mental images.
Solar Plexus Clown Gliders feed off of the fear of their victims and force them to have horrific hallucinations, experience glitches in reality and to experience psychological pain.
In these hallucinations the Solar Plexus Clown Glider will often manifest as a creepy humanoid jester or as a slimy slug-like creature. It is said to be able to operate outside the normal laws of physics in ways similar to the Black Stick Man cryptid.
The goal of a Solar Plexus Clown Glider is to force it’s victim to be inconstant psychological pain and torture in order for it to feed off of the negative energy and emotions created.
The experience of being infected with a Solar Plexus Clown Glider is said to be similar to the effects of withdrawal when coming off drugs such as methamphetamine.
People who are psychologically distressed or who have a weak solar plexus chakra are particularly susceptible to being attacked by a Solar Plexus Clown Glider. They are also drawn to people who use drugs such as methamphetamine or psychedelics.
Some suggest that even hearing the words “Solar Plexus Clown Glider” is enough to attract the entity to you. Others claim viewing the photos of them circulating online will make you susceptible.
Experiences of Solar Plexus Clown Gliders
A man named Jason Carpenter had an experience with a Solar Plexus Clown Glider when he was in college. He was sitting in the back of a courtroom taking notes for a Law assignment when he saw something out of the corner of his eye.
When he turned he saw a 3 foot long cobra coiled up at the foot of one of the chairs in front of him. The cobra seemed almost animated in the way it moved. It was very unnatural looking. After a few seconds it disappeared from view.
A forum used named Saint Jimmy told of his experiences with Solar Plexus Clown Gliders while using meth. Jimmy saw a translucent blob about the size of a human torso suddenly form under a table. The blob approached him and told him it was going to possess him and cause him to murder his friends.
The creature morphed to have three tentacles which it inserted into Jimmy’s navel. One of his friends was also able to see the creature and ripped it away. Some other people who were present believe the whole incident was drug induced.
Another anonymous forum user described seeing a creepy clown suddenly appear in front of him while using LSD.
It is possible many instances of Solar Plexus Clown Glider encounters are drug induced hallucinations. Or perhaps using drugs puts you in a state that is more open for being attacked by such entities.
The Solar Plexus Clown Glider was a computer virus distributed in the 1990’s that would cause a scary face to randomly appear on screen for users. It is possible the lore surrounding this virus became an urban legend and was picked up on by the New Age community as a psychic reality.
These could be a real interdimensional demon.
Some new age religions believe that having a blocked solar plexus can lead to negative emotional and psychological effects. The Solar Plexus Clown Glider could be a manifestation of this blockage.
Do you think Solar Plexus Clown Gliders are real or just hallucinations? Let us know in the comments!
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