Doveland, Wisconsin
Whispers have circulated online about a town called Doveland in Wisconsin that suddenly disappeared. Is this just another internet hoax or is there something substantial behind the mystery?
Where was Doveland Wisconsin?

A map of Project ELF locations. Was Doveland destroyed during the creation of this project?
Image: Vox.
No one has been able to pin down exactly where Doveland Wisconsin was supposed to have been. Speculation online has claimed that it was a town connected to a military base.
Spec. Jamie Ivanov, 12B claimed that the town had something to do with Project Sanguine, a military operation involving ELF waves for communication purposes. Ivanov claimed that when the military was digging underground it accidentally flooded the town of Doveland, causing it to be abandoned.
This information was refuted by an article by Vox explaining that project Sanguine was abandoned due to the bedrock being unsuitable. No digging was ever done.
A much smaller version of the project was completed called Project ELF. There were protests at the site on and off for the entirety of its existence due to nearby residents concerns that it could cause cancer or make them a target for Russian attacks. Eventually Project ELF was shut down in 2004 due to no longer being required.
Was Doveland, Wisconsin connected to Project ELF?
Dead Rabbit Radio discusses Doveland, Wisconsin’s connection to Project ELF.
The radio structures associated with Project ELF are above ground and in the middle of forested areas. There is no record of any towns being disturbed by their construction.
Theories about Doveland, Wisconsin.
Doveland was destroyed in connection with Project ELF and all evidence of it’s existence has been scrubbed from the internet and local archives. It is very difficult to prove that something doesn’t exist. It also seems unlikely that the military could get away with destroying a town without anyone having a concrete memory of it.
Doveland, Wisconsin is simply an internet hoax. There is little evidence of it’s existence beyond people’s vague memories of it. Perhaps people are misremembering another military town with a similar name that did exist.
Doveland exists in a parallel universe that is slowly merging with ours. As it merges more evidence of Doveland’s existence appears until the town itself materializes.
What do you think is the truth about Doveland, Wisconsin? Let us know in the comments.
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