Why are Liminal Spaces Creepy?

A creepy empty hallway: an example of a liminal space. Photo credit: Unsplash.
Many people report a feeling of unease or even full blown fear at seeing liminal spaces places at certain times. An empty hospital corridor or a shopping mall with no customers is much creepier to look at then we should logically expect. So why do we find them so creepy?
What are Liminal Spaces?

Another creepy liminal space. Photo credit: Unsplash
Liminality is defined as standing at the threshold. It is a state of being that is somewhat fluid and in-between two other more solid places. If something is liminal it is uncertain, changing and malleable.
A liminal space is a place that is transitional in nature. Places such as airports, tunnels, hallways, waiting rooms are all examples of liminal spaces.
Because these places are often designed to only be used for a short time they tend to have a minimalist design. The colours are usually stark and bland. Liminal spaces are often vast and empty, leaving plenty of room for people to travel through them.
Liminal Spaces and the Uncanny Valley

By Smurrayinchester - self-made, based on image by Masahiro Mori and Karl MacDorman.
So what is it that causes us to feel uneasy about liminal spaces? Connections have been made between liminal spaces and the uncanny valley.
The uncanny valley is the relationship between an object and it’s resemblance to a human being. The concept suggests that the more similar something is to a human the more fondly people will feel about it until it reaches a certain point: the uncanny valley.
Objects that fall into the uncanny valley are very similar to humans but just not quite right. These objects cause a feeling of uneasiness or even revulsion in people. Examples of such things are corpses, humanoid robots or dolls.

A robot that falls into the uncanny valley.
Humans subconsciously have learned that things that are mostly familiar but a little bit off should be treated as a threat. Things such as dead bodies fall into this category. A human body is familiar but a dead one may be carrying deadly diseases or whatever caused their death may still be lurking in the area.
Liminal spaces are similar to the uncanny valley in that they are recognizable and familiar but something is just not right about them. We expect a hospital hallway to be buzzing with people and activity so when it’s empty we get a feeling that something is wrong. Seeing a mall that is usually bright and packed with customers suddenly being dark and empty makes us subconsciously weary of whatever has caused this change.
Some people love the strange feeling they get when looking at liminal spaces. There is even a subreddit dedicated to photos of liminal spaces that give people the creeps.
Increased Paranormal Activity in Liminal Spaces

Liminal spaces tend to have more reports of paranormal activity. Photo credit: Unsplash.
Anecdotally many people claim there is a connection between liminal spaces and the paranormal. Liminal spaces such as bridges, abandoned buildings and houses after dark seem to have many more reports of paranormal activity than busy places during the day time.
It makes sense! Death is a liminal space between the life we understand the whatever is on the other side that we can’t see. Even if there is no afterlife the process of death is liminal. Perhaps ghosts and spirits are in a transitional form of being between life and the afterlife. Maybe there is some connection between the liminality of physical places and the liminality of the afterlife that makes these places more comfortable for spirits to reside in.
Many paranormal things are just a little bit off. Doppelgangers look just like us or our loved ones but something is just not quite right. Bigfoot is almost human but not quite. Black eyed kids seem like normal human kids until you notice their eyes are completely black.
It seems it is this aspect of the paranormal which makes it so frightening to us. We don’t know for sure what is going on but we know it’s not right and our brains tell us that is a threat.
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