Grant Brace Dies from Heat Stroke at Wrestling Training as Coaches Refuse to Give Him Water

Grant Brace before his untimely death from heat stroke at age 20.
In 2020, college athlete Grant Brace died of heat stroke at wrestling practise as coaches refused to let him have water.
Who was Grant Brace?

Grant Brace won many awards for wrestling throughout his life
Grant Brace was a 20-year-old wrestler who attended the University of the Cumberlands' Louisville campus.
He had been into competitive wrestling for most of his life and was striving to become a champion at the University level.
He was described as a happy, fun loving character by his friends and family. His loss has left a huge hole in their lives.
The Death of Grant Brace
Video about the death of Grant Brace
Grant Brace died on 31 August 2020 during a training session at the University of the Cumberlands' Louisville campus. The family recently reached a $14m settlement with the university.
In their first interview with the media, Brace's parents spoke to ABC's Good Morning America and became emotional as they described watching the video footage of their son attempting to find water after two coaches reportedly denied him access during the strenuous training.
According to their lawsuit, the Braces alleged that the coaches compelled the team to repeatedly sprint up and down a steep hill, known as "punishment hill," in sweltering 84-degree heat. The former coach reportedly threatened to expel Brace from the wrestling team, prompting him to run up the hill once more. Later on, Brace was overheard stating, "I'm done. I can't do this anymore."
Wrestling team member, Alex Myers, disclosed to Good Morning America that coaches frequently subjected athletes to grueling drills and prohibited them from refilling their water bottles. "It was a terrible experience," Myers remarked. "No one had any water left in their bottles, and we were not allowed to return to the locker room until punishment was over."
The loved ones of a college athlete from Kentucky have released a video showing his frantic efforts to locate water just an hour before he collapsed and suffered a fatal heatstroke.
According to the surveillance footage, Brace was seen making unsuccessful attempts to open a locked door within the wrestling team building. About 45 minutes later, he was discovered unconscious in close proximity to a water fountain that was not operational.
Brace's father, Kyle Brace, explained that his son was found on all fours with dirt clutched in his fists. Following an autopsy, it was concluded that Brace's cause of death was an "exertional heatstroke" which could have been avoided.
The University paid a $14.1 million settlement to the Brace family.
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