Barbora Skrlová: 33 Year Old Woman Pretends to be a Young Boy and Gets Adopted

The many faces of Barbora Skrlova, the woman who manipulated many people into believing she was a child. Photo: Steemit
The true story of Barbora Skrlová is almost stranger than fiction. When she was 33 years old Barbora convinced a family that she was a young child and got them to adopt her.
Barbora Skrlová’s First Victims: Klara Mauerová and her Children

Klara with Barbora and her other two children. Photo: Steemit
Klara Mauerová was a single mother with two children living in the Czech Republic. After separating from the father of her children Klara became lonely and invited her sister Katerina to come and live with her.
Klara met Barbora Skrlová when she was studying to become a teacher at university. Barbora approached Klara one day claiming to be a 12 year old girl named Anicka who had escaped from an abusive group home.
Barbora was able to pull this off due to having a disorder that makes her appear smaller and younger than most other people her age.
Klara took Barbora home and took care of her as if she was her own child. She planned to eventually adopt her.
Barbora Skrlová claimed to be very sick, needing lots of medical appointments but she would only allow Klara’s sister Katerina to take her to these appointments. It turns out that Katerina knew that Barbora was not what she claimed to be and was pretending to be Barbora’s doctor, writing notes to Klara explaining Barbora’s “treatments”.
Klara had struggled with undiagnosed mental illness since she was a child and Barbora took advantage of Klara’s confused mental state.
Barbora convinced Klara that her other children were the causes of all of her problems and convinced her to abuse them.
Klara was terrified of losing Barbora’s affection so she followed her lead, eventually locking the children up permanently in cages and observing them with a baby monitor.
This abuse was uncovered when Barbora and Klara’s neighbor had a baby and purchased the same brand of baby monitor. The signals got confused and the neighbors were shown images of the horrific scenes from next door.
The neighbors went to the police who arrested Klara and Katerina for child abuse. Barbora Skrlová somehow managed to escape and fled the country.
Barbora Skrlová as “Adam” in Norway

Barbora Skrlová posing as Adam. Photo: Steemit
After fleeing the Czech Republic Barbora Skrlová decided to continue her scam in Norway. She got liposuction and a breast reduction to become a more convincing child.
She assumed the identity of Adam, a 12 year old boy and made her way to a home for homeless children in Oslo. From there she was adopted by a couple who enrolled her in the Marienlyst school.
Barbora was able to fool teachers, support workers and police in Norway for several months before suspicion was raised that Adam was not what he seemed.
Eventually Skrlová was exposed for who she was and arrested. She was extradited to the Czech Republic and sentenced to twelve years in prison. After just 5 years she was released from prison due to her mental health.
Where is Barbora Skrlová Now?
A video about the Barbora Skrlova case
Barbora Skrlová is now a free woman living in the Czech Republic. She keeps a low profile and has been out of the public eye since her release.
Do you have anything to say about this crazy situation? Let us know in the comments.
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