Backrooms: Is it possible to “Noclip” in real life?

Backrooms: creepy liminal spaces leading one into another called backrooms. Photo: Unsplash.
The internet lore surrounding the idea of Backrooms has exploded in recent years. The Backrooms are another dimension made up of a series of liminal spaces that lead one into the other until you manage to escape back to reality. Some people believe its possible that a place like Backrooms exists in reality.
What is Backrooms?
The original Backrooms videos all together by Kane Pixels
Backrooms are a kind of internet folklore. The basic idea of the Backrooms is that the victim will accidentally “NoClip” out of reality as if passing through an object that’s supposed to be solid in a video game.
Once the victim has fallen through the walls of reality they find themselves in the Backrooms: a series of interconnected liminal spaces filled with terrifying monsters.
A whole universe of lore has sprung up around Backrooms. A video game has even been created based on the lore.
There are reportedly different levels that can be progressed through in Backrooms to try and find your way home.
Some of the most commonly reported levels are:
Level 0 - The Lobby: This is the area where most people enter the Backrooms. It is an area known by its moldy carpet, buzzing fluorescent lights and yellow walls. There are said to be noclip zones where if found the victim can find their way back to our reality.
Level 1 - Habitable Zone: Level one is reached by choosing not to noclip back to reality. If you continue to wander around level 0 you will eventually end up in level one: a darker area with more industrial architecture. When the lights flicker monsters are said to appear from the darkness.
Level 2 - Pipe Dreams: Level 2 is where you end up if you wander around level 1 for too long. This area is much hotter than the other levels. Survivors of the backrooms claim that the only way to escape this level is to remain calm. Once the backrooms have become your home only then can you escape.
Where backrooms intersect with reality
If reality is a simulation then Backrooms could be real.
How much do we really understand about our universe anyway? There is a theory that our world is all just a simulation being operated by some beings far outside our realm of understanding.
Perhaps we are unable to understand our universe in much the same way that a video game character has no concept of the person playing the game or the world outside of it.
Many people around the world have had experiences that don’t seem to fit in with the normal rules of our universe. This whole website is full of examples!
There is also the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit full of personal accounts of the universe behaving strangely. Things like items disappearing and then reappearing, items somehow becoming duplicated and other things that are just not quite right.
If our world really is just a simulation then it seems it would be possible to end up in a realm similar to Backrooms, a place where the programmers didn’t expect for us to be able to get to.
In my opinion this theory makes as much sense as anything else philosophy or religion has been able to come up with anyway. What even is life!
If you’ve got some theories about Backrooms let us know in the comments!
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