Greenock Catman: A Feral Man in Scotland

An alleged photo of the Greenock Catman. Photo: Scottish Daily Express.
Since the 1940’s in Greenock, Scotland, rumors have persisted about the presence of a feral man, covered in black soot and crawling around the alleyways of Greenock.
The Legend of the Greenock Catman
A video telling the story of the Catman of Greenock
Each town has its own local legends, but the myth of the Catman of Greenock is particularly peculiar. This coastal Scottish town near Glasgow is said to be haunted by a Catman who preys on rats and roams the alleyways.
Referred to as the Greenock Catman, he has remained a mystery in the town for decades, with no one knowing his true identity, origin or even having heard him speak.
Theories about his existence range from him being a lost sailor to a man with mental illness. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, locals claim to have seen him several times and everyone in the town seems to have heard of him or have a story to share about him.
Curiously, it wasn't until 2007 that the Catman's existence was confirmed when a video recorded on a cellphone surfaced showing a man feasting on a dead rat while crawling near a dumpster.
This sparked a renewed interest in the case, and people offered various theories about his background. A documentary was even produced in an attempt to uncover his story, but the elusive Catman was never found, and the filmmakers were forced to abandon their efforts to uncover the truth about his life.
Some locals believe that the Greenock Catman may be a lost Russian sailor who found himself stranded in Scotland during the 1970s with no means of communication or resources to return home. As a result, he reportedly chose to live underground in Greenock, adopting the life of a cat to survive.
According to another theory, the Catman used to be involved with organized crime and was severely wounded, forcing him to walk on all fours. He now hides in the alleyways of Greenock, surviving off scraps and rats, in order to stay hidden from those who maimed him.
Others believe the Catman is an escaped mental patient who has chosen life on the streets over his mental facility.
Those who have encountered the Catman believe he is mostly harmless and will greatfully accept any food given to him.
Sightings of the Catman of Greenock

Another photo of the Greenock Catman
Several Reddit users claim to have met the Catman of Greenock.
User TheJoshC claimed:
“Guy from Glasgow in Scotland here. Met this creepy f*cker one night at the bus depot. The blackness around his face is fumes from sleeping in the depot. If he can survive this long on this diet (rats and other animals/trash) then I suppose I can go back to eating my sausage suppers and smoking my cigs.”
Another anonymous user posted:
“Catman, Greenock. I grew up visiting him, feral human. He caught and eat rats and has lived there wild since the 70s. Nobody knows his origin and the authorities deny his existence, but me and my friends and other people knew he lived there, he couldn’t talk or walk upright.”
User RyanMcCartney posted:
“Is he still alive? Was at college in Greenock about 10 years ago and heard about him. Does he still have the wee hut in the forrests between Port and Greenock?”
Many others expressed doubt that the photos taken of the Catman were real. Others claim the whole thing is just a hoax or an urban legend that has spread since the end of World War II.
Possible Explanations for the Catman of Greenock
It is possible that the Catman of Greenock was originally a disabled homeless person in the 1940’s who became a legend that grew into the story of the catman.
Without finding the man and having a chat with him it’s hard to know his story, if he is even still around.
What do you think about the Catman of Greenock? Let us know in the comments.
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