Sanpaku Eyes: Can your eyes predict your destiny?

The sanpaku eyes of Antonie Dixon, a man who attacked two women with a samuari sword and shot two men in New Zealand. Stuff
The Japanese superstition of Sanpaku suggests that an individual’s temperament and fate can be predicted by the amount of white showing in their eyes.
What Does Sanpaku Mean?
Sanpaku is a term that, when translated literally from Japanese, means "three whites." This refers to a method of dividing the eye into sections, where the whites occupy three of the four segments. Sanpaku is said to occur when a person's eyes reveal the white area either above or below the iris.
Usually the presence of sanpaku eyes may not be particularly noticeable and might not attract much attention. According to the Japanese superstition, it could be a significant indication of one's destiny.
Sanpaku gained popularity in the Western world during the 1960s, when Japanese author George Osawa predicted the deaths of notable American personalities such as Marilyn Monroe and JFK based on their eyes.
Since then, people have continued to ponder the potential link between sanpaku and one's fate. The significance of sanpaku hinges on whether the white area of the eye is visible above or below.
Sanpaku Above Iris
Supposedly, if the whites of your eyes are visible above the iris, it may be a good idea to take a deep breath and relax a bit. Sanpaku above the iris suggests that you may be at risk from your internal world.
This means that you may be unable to manage your emotions, which could lead you to engage in dreadful activities.
Serial killers and other violent criminals have been known to have sanpaku eyes. Some examples are Charles Manson, Antonie Dixon and Aileen Wurnos.
Sanpaku Below Iris
According to the superstition, if the whites of your eyes are visible below the iris, it is believed that you may be at risk from the outside world. This condition supposedly signifies danger from external sources.
JFK and Marilyn Monroe both had sanpaku eyes and both of them suffered from tragic, untimely demises.
Actors with sanpaku eyes are often chosen for somber or dark roles in TV and movies. Some good examples of this are Aubrey Plaza, Shelley Duvall, Anna Taylor Joy and Jeremy Alan White.
Some singers with sanpaku eyes are known for singing melancholy songs such as Billie Eilish and Amy Lee from Evanescence.
Princess Diana was particularly well known for her sanpaku eyes.
A video explaining the sanpaku eyes superstition
Do you think there’s something to the superstition of Sanpaku eyes? Let us know in the comments.
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