Twin Telepathy: Do Twins Have A Psychic Connection?
There have been hundreds of anecdotal accounts of twins being able to sense when the other is in danger. Do twins have an innate ability to communicate with each other that the rest of us don’t have?
Cases of Twin Telepathy
Can twins sense each other’s pain through telepathy?
Twin telepathy is when twins claim they can sense each other's feelings, thoughts, or experiences even when they're far apart. For example, some twin sisters say they know when the other is in trouble or pain, while others claim they can finish each other's sentences or have the same thoughts at the same time.
Some twins even report having the same dreams or feeling each other's emotions. There are some who say they can even know what the other is thinking or doing without any conventional means of communication.
Buzzfeed collected several stories of twins who reported having a psychic connection with each other at some point in their lives. Here are some of the best ones:
I'm a fraternal twin and we definitely have some twin magic going on! One time, she left school to get a blood test, but I had to stay in class. A bit later, I realized that I had a broken blood vessel in the inside of my elbow, but didn't think much of it at the time. When we saw each other later, I realized that it was in the exact same spot as where she got her blood test!
After my twin brother went out with friends, I became very nervous, tossing and turning on the couch with nightmares. I saw flashes of things like a cop car and sirens. My mother rushed out of the house after receiving a phone call and brought my brother back who was in shock and non-responsive. The next day, we just hugged and cried when he told me that a white car had chased him and his friends through the breezeway, trying to run them over.
I'm a fraternal twin (I'm a girl and he's a boy). When I was younger, my brother had poor speech and didn't talk very often. So, whenever he wanted something, he would just look at me without saying anything and I would translate (correctly!) to my parents.
What Does Science Have to Say About Twin Telepathy?
Almost every set of twins has a story about their spooky connection.
Some researchers have suggested that twin telepathy may be the result of a strong emotional bond between twins, which could allow them to unconsciously pick up on each other's thoughts, feelings, or experiences. Others have proposed that it may be related to the unique physiology of twins, such as shared brain activity or genetic factors.
So far, there's no solid proof that twins have psychic abilities or that twin telepathy is a real thing. A leading expert on twins, Dr. Nancy L. Segal, thinks that stories about twin telepathy are just showing the close bond between twins. If twins have similar outfits and interests when they meet, even after being raised apart, it's probably because of genetics and not psychic abilities. But Dr. Segal says she's open to changing her mind if future studies show otherwise.
Even though there's no concrete scientific evidence, people's personal experiences can't be ignored. They do happen, whether by chance or some unexplained paranormal phenomena. Most people think it's because twins have a really strong emotional bond that leads to intense empathy, so they can feel each other's pain or discomfort even from a distance.
Twins also might know each other so well that they can predict what the other will do or say. This can also happen between non-twins who have a super close relationship, like a married couple who have been together for a long time.
Paranormal Explanations for Twin Telepathy
How do twins communicate without words over long distances?
If we suspend our disbelief for a moment, what paranormal processes could explain twin telepathy?
There are a number of possibilities:
Psychics and spiritualists often propose that twin telepathy is a result of extrasensory perception (ESP) or paranormal abilities.
Some believe that twin telepathy is due to the twin souls being connected, or the presence of a spiritual entity or entity that mediates the connection.
Some believe that twin telepathy is a result of astral projection, where one twin is able to project their consciousness to the other twin.
Others believe that twin telepathy is due to a form of quantum entanglement, where the twins are connected by a quantum field.
Perhaps when they twins are together in the womb their brains are connected together in a way that is not separated after being born. Maybe their brains and bodies still see themselves as one being and are able to communicate by some mechanism we don’t yet understand.
What is your theory on how twin telepathy works? Let us know in the comments.
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