How to Communicate with the Dead

All of us have loved ones who have passed away that we would love to talk to just one more time. We have compiled a list of different ways that people believe enable us to communicate with the dead. Try them for yourself and see if they work for you!
Hypnagogic Meditation
Have you ever been falling asleep and heard voices whispering to you as you fall into your dreams? Some people believe that these voices are voices of the dead trying to communicate with us. With practice you can tune into these voices and hear what they are saying, speak to them and even receive answers to your questions.
The danger with this method is that you can never really be sure what is just your subconscious or a dream versus what is a real spirit trying to communicate. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt. If something feels off disregard it.
Ouija Board/Talking Board
Ouija boards or talking boards have been used for generations as a way of communicating with the dead. You can buy premade boards or even just create your own with a big piece of paper and an upside drinking glass.
To use a Ouija board you need at least two people. Everyone present sits around the board and places one hand on the planchette. The spirits will then move the planchette around the board in order to spell out their message.
When you have finished talking to the spirits make sure you move the planchette to “goodbye” to indicate that it’s the end of the session.Here’s some more tips on how to use a Ouija Board safely.
Spirit Communication Apps or Spirit Boxes
Spirit boxes are basically modified radios that cycle through all of the stations. The theory is that spirits are able to use the white noise between stations or even the words on the radio to communicate with us.
You can buy analog radio versions of a spirit box or download an app that simulates the process. Spirit box sessions are similar to ouija board sessions in that you need to make it clear to the spirits when you are finished.
Here is an article about how to safely use a spirit box to communicate with the dead.Pendulum
You can use a pendulum in a similar way to a Ouija board to ask spirits questions. All you need to do is hold a pendulum out in front of you.
Ask the spirits to show you how the pendulum will swing for a yes answer and how it will swing for a no answer.You may see the pendulum swing left to right, up and down, clockwise, anticlockwise, or something in between.
Once you have established the yes from the no you can continue to ask questions of the spirits. Be sure to clearly end the session when you are finished asking questions.Talk to a Medium
If you’d rather leave it to the professionals there are heaps of psychics and mediums online or in your local area that can help you communicate with your loved ones who have passed on. Be sure to ask around and check out reviews to make sure you’re getting a good one.