How to Summon a Ghost

Using a Ouija board to summon a ghost.
Evocation: The Practice of SUmmoning SPirits
The practice of summoning spirits, ghosts or other spiritual entities is called evocation. Many different religions use this practice to try and make contact with the gods or their ancestors in order to gain some help or wisdom from them.
In order to contact spirits you can use tools such as Ouija boards, tarot cards, rituals or spiritual mediums.
Whatever your reason for trying to summon a spirit is you should be very careful. Inexperienced practitioners can find themselves experiencing unwanted attention from spirits or other negative entities.
Keep in mind that you are unlocking a connection to another dimension that we don’t fully understand. It is important to establish clear boundaries with the entities you are interacting with. Treat your practice with respect and don’t take it lightly.
Why should I Summon a GHost?
In many cases, ghosts will attempt to communicate with us without any real effort on our part.
Ghost encounters can be classified into two major categories: residual or intelligent.
Residual encounters are when energy has been imprinted upon a location and is released at regular intervals. These types of hauntings can manifest as disembodied voices or sounds or even apparitions who don’t seem to notice your presence.
Intelligent hauntings are when a spiritual entity seems to be able to communicate with us intelligently.
If you with to contact a spirit without summoning them it will have to be on their terms. You will need to be patient and wait for them to be ready to communicate in a way that suits them.
Conjuring a ghost puts you in control of the process. You get to set the tone, ask questions and end the communication if things get too intense.
In most cases people aim to communicate with spirits in order to figure out why they have been haunting their home or to communicate with loved ones who have passed away.
Dangers Of Summoning Ghosts

Opening a portal to paranormal realms comes with risk. When communicating with spirits you are unintentionally offering yourself up as a vessel through which they can communicate. This can lead to negative experiences such as possession.
There is no guarantee that the spirit you are trying to communicate with will be the one that is communicating with you. There are “trickster” spirits who often come through during Ouija board sessions. These spirits may pretend to be a loved one who has passed on when they are in fact something else entirely.
The most important thing is to have confidence in what you are doing and to maintain strong, good intentions. The energy that you are putting out will be reflected in the energy that you receive from the spirit world.
Always treat any ghosts you summon with great respect. They were once a person and deserve the same respect you would give to a fellow human being.
Try to stay calm. Do not show any fear or anxiety that you are feeling as the spirits may take this as a sign of weakness. Your fear may also cause you to lose control of the situation. If you lose control you will be at the mercy of the spirits.
Try to keep your emotions positive and you will attract positive entities. If you are feeling sad or angry you might attract negative entities. Evil entities are said to be attracted by negative emotions. Some are able to use your negative energy as a source of power.
Best Practice for Summoning Ghosts
There are lots of different ways to try and summon a spirit. We recommend you follow online guides before going about it on your own. Here are some of our best tips:
Stick to what you know
We would recommend while you are a beginner that you pick one method and stick with it until you feel confident.
Once you have mastered your first method you might like to branch out and try some other methods to see if they yield better results.
You might like to video your sessions or use an audio recorder to pick up on any paranormal activity that you miss in the moment.
2. DOn’t conjure Spirits on Your Own
For your first attempt at conjuring a ghost we recommend gathering a group of people to help you. There is safety in numbers!
We would recommend gathering 3 or 4 friends who are interested in the paranormal. Ideally you should involve someone who has experience working with spirits or ghost hunting who can guide your ritual.
Nominate someone as the leader of the group who will begin and end the ceremony as well as ask any questions of the spirits. This will prevent confusion and stop people from talking over one another.
3. Be Decisive
Decide beforehand what you are trying to achieve and who you are trying to contact. End the session immediately if any negative entities come through.
Some negative entities thrive on indecisiveness and uncertainty. You will want to project confidence and assuredness during your summoning to prevent attracting these entities.
4. Write DOwn your questions before beginning the summoning
Before beginning ritual, get everyone in the group to write down a handful of questions they would like to ask the ghosts. It pays to stick to questions with yes or no answers for ease of communication.
Review the questions as a team and agree on a list of them to ask the spirits before beginning.
Methods for Summoning Ghosts

Gather your team together in a circle, all facing one another. Light a few candles and place them around the room with some in front of you.
Candles can be indicator of paranormal activity as they can spirits can cause them to flicker or go out.
White candles are best for this type of activity as they are a clean slate. You might also like to use black candles as these represent protection and banishment of negative energy.
People have claimed to summon spirits through various rituals, including:
Seances: Participants sit around a table, hold hands and attempt to communicate with spirits.
Ouija boards: Participants use a board and planchette to spell out messages from spirits.
Conjuring circles: Participants draw a circle and perform rituals to invite spirits into their space.
Invocations and incantations: Participants recite specific words or phrases to summon spirits.
It's important to note that these practices are not supported by scientific evidence and can be dangerous, both physically and mentally. People have reported negative experiences and feelings of fear or unease after participating in these rituals.
Have you ever managed to summon a ghost? Let us know in the comments.
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