Baltic Sea Anomaly: Strange Object Spotted on Sonar in the Baltic Sea

In 2011 a Swedish professional treasure hunting team discovered a strange, potentially man made object on the ocean floor in the Baltic Sea. Is this anomaly just an unusual natural formation or something far more spectacular?
The treasure hunting team named OceanX headed by Peter Lindberg discovered an almost perfectly round formation on their sonar equipment while hunting for treasure in the Baltic Sea.
The object appears to have man made features such as stairs and rests at 300 feet below the surface. Lindberg asserts that if it is a man made structure like a building or even a city it would have had to have been constructed before the last ice age, over 20,000 years ago.
The OceanX team reported that as they grew near to the object their equipment would begin to malfunction. Professional diver Stefan Hogernorn stated “Anything electric out there, and the satellite phone as well, stopped working when we were above the object. When we got away about 200 meters, it turned on again, and when we got back over the object it didn’t work.”
Lindberg’s team recovered some samples from the Baltic Sea anomaly that appeared to be volcanic rock. Experts state that the anomaly is very unlikely to be an undersea volcano due to its location.
Lindberg thinks its possible that the anomaly is connected to the legendary ancient city of Atlantis. Atlantis is believed to be an ancient city with advanced technology that was swallowed up by the sea. It has been written about by ancient philosophers as if it was a factual place but no evidence of it has ever been found.

Artist Tod ‘twentytod” has depicted what the object may look like upon closer inspection.
Nearly a year after the first anomaly was discovered in the Baltic Sea, another strange anomaly was discovered on sonar by the OceanX team. The second object appeared to be similar in composition to the first but startlingly it appeared to have been moved. The object had skid marks behind seemingly indicating that it had crash landed on the ocean floor.
Skeptics have criticized the OceanX team’s set up saying that their sonar is improperly calibrated leading to artifacts in the images provided. This means that what they are seeing on the screen may not be a true representation of what is actually down there in the Baltic Sea.
The lines that look like skid marks near the second object lead to speculation that the anomalies were both a part of an alien spaceship that had broken up upon hitting the water. Others have suggested the object could be a secret Nazi weapon or aircraft that had crashed and was not recovered.
Some believe the anomalies are just the top of a partially buried ancient sunken city such as Atlantis or possibly the entrance to an undersea world such as the hollow earth.
Skeptics and geological experts claim the anomalies are probably just somewhat unusual rock formations under the sea. Because the area was formed by glacial melt the volcanic rocks found could have been deposited by the glaciers that were there during the last ice age.
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